Watch this instructional quilting video to quilt a pantograph pattern with a longarm sewing machine. A pantograph is a mechanical linkage connected in a special manner so that the movement of one specified point is an amplified version of the movement of another point. If a a line drawing is traced by the first point, an enlarged copy will be drawn by a pen fixed to the other. Take note of the proper way to stand and move one's body when stitching out pantographs. It's best not to move one's...
Watch this instructional quilting video to quilt a tendril or "C" background fill with a longarm sewing machine. This pattern is a simple and convenient way to create an elegant background fill on many kinds of quilts. It helps to draw the tendril pattern with pen before trying it with the longarm sewing machine. Customers love it.
This instructional quilting video is perfect for those who have never used a rotary cutter. There are two main types of rotary cutters to choose from. You will also need a clear plastic cutting mat and a self healing mat on which to rest the fabric. The clear plastic guide and the mat below allow you to make straight, geometric slices of fabric.
This instructional video demonstrates how to quilt 5 yards of bias binding with a small amount of fabric. The secret of bias binding is to begin with a square that is sewn shut on all four sides, like a pillow. These simple guidelines show you some quick tips to make sewing binding fast and easy.
Watch this instructional quilting video to sew three dimensional faux cathedral window quilting blocks. These easy to make blocks add great accents to any quilt. The cathedral window quilting block is actually made up of four smaller patches with another square sewn inside. The 3D effect requires some careful folding. Pin down the frame of the window to give it a curved edge. For the center patch you can use patterned fabric or a photograph.
This video tutorial demonstrates how to make flying geese units using the "Quilt-in-a-day Flying Geese" ruler. These visual guidelines make it easy to sew a traditional quilting pattern. Using this quilting ruler, you can make four flying geese every time you align a 7 1/2 inch square with a 9 inch square.
This is a detailed explanation of the traditional method for making HST blocks, including the 7/8" formula. Half square triangles are simple design, but take some calculating to make precise.
Here is an easy way to make several small half and quarter triangle quilting squares. If you sew a small pillow pattern composed of larger half triangle designs, you can bisect the pillow diagonally in both directions to make four smaller quilting squares.
Here is a tutorial on getting a perfect 1/4" seam allowance for quilt piecing. The sewing machine foot will sometimes have a groove to allow you to make a perfect quarter inch seam automatically. If you don't have one of these, there are a few ways to make your own quarter inch seam guide.
Watch this instructional quilting video to chain stitch triangles of fabric together. as long as you remember to keep putting the same color of fabric on top as you connect your triangles, you'll be able to form a spool, or wheel pattern when you piece together your quilting square. This is a video clue in a quilt mystery.
A quick tip on adding a flange accent to piece your quilt. A flange is a one inch strip of fabric that you fold in half and fit into the border to add a delicate accent to your quilt. This layout provides the groundwork for sewing flanges into a quilt.
This video gives tips on how to add a border to a quilt so that it lays flat. The quilt block in the video is standing in for a full size quilt top to make it easier to see. Sewing borders on your quilt is one of the more difficult processes that go into sewing a traditional quilt.
Here's how to play with blocks to make interesting designs with your quilts. One of the most enjoyable parts of quilting is arranging individual blocks to make improvised designs. Try designing some smaller block patterns and sewing them together in an unexpected pattern.
Here is how to make strips and squares using the JT ShapeCut ruler. Follow these instructions to measure and cut a precise design. With the June Tailor Shape Cut ruler, you can lay a piece of fabric on a grid and slice the fabric into geometric squares.
This is how to miter sew two strips of fabric together for an almost invisible seam. This short instructional video shows how to keep your sewing table neat, and your miter seams precise. Don't forget to iron the seam flat before moving on to make sure your design looks right.
This is a dressmaker's tip called setting the seam, which helps you make crisp seams when sewing strips of fabric into sets. It help to dampen and iron a seam before moving onto the next sewing step. This helps your fabrics stay neat and regular.
Watch this short quilting video to cut a 45 degree angle precisely. When sewing quilts with large triangle patterns, cutting your fabrics precisely can be vital to the geometric vitality of your quilt. Follow these instructions to keep your colonial quilt from drifting off center.
This tutorial demonstrates how to finish your quilt that has irregular edges using a facing instead of binding. Review this quilting instructional video to quilt a complex border finish. The facing method allows you to avoid mitering every corner.
This quilting tutorial demonstrates how to easily join the ends of your quilt binding so that no one can tell the last seam from any other. Review this step by step process to avoid future difficulty when joining binding strips on your quilt. You don't need a ruler and you don't need to do a lot of measuring to try this quilting trick.
This tutorial demonstrates how to remove the paper from the back of a paper (foundation) pieced quilt block. Paper piecing is a type of sewing that involves quilting onto a paper base. It is possible to remove the paper after completing the quilt.
Watch this high speed instructional video to experience the art of paper piecing. Paper piecing is essentially quilting with scraps of fabric and paper. This video tutorial demonstrates paper piecing from a pattern. Design your own patterns and enjoy this crafty combination of quilting, sculpture and collage.
Learn how to use the couching technique to create depth and dimension to your quilts. Add borders and trim to intricate quilted patterns. You'll need a large eye needle and various couching material, such as yarn, ribbon and scraps of fabric. Couching adds texture and finish to quilted fabrics.
Use your longarm or sewing machine to quilt pretty rosebuds. These detailed instructions show how you can draw rosebud patterns on quilting fabric. It helps to draw out the pattern several times with a pen before you begin quilting with a sewing machine.
Here an instructional video to go along with the free American flag quilted table runner pattern on Follow these step by step instructions to piece together this patriotic table runner. Quilting can be easy if you can borrow a few tricks of the trade.
Here is a quick video that shows how to make a y-seam. Follow this step by step process to sew a y-seams on your hard labored quilts. Quilting becomes easy when you can borrow a few tricks of the trade.
Watch this instructional sewing video to learn about the zip bind tool and how to adjust it for your quilting projects. This video provides a helpful introduction to this quilting tool. The zip bind tool is a sewing tool that makes quilt bindings perfect from end to end. There's no need for straight pinning and there's no measuring involved.
Use the Martelli Stitch in the Ditch Binding Foot for top stitching and with a double needle to get a professional finish to your quilting and sewing projects. Watch this video sewing tutorial and learn how to top stitch with a double need on a sewing machine.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to use Thangles quilting paper to make half and quarter square triangles. Fabric triangles are used in a variety of quilting projects, especially in geometric patterns. Learn how to quickly make half and quarter square triangles using Thangles quilting paper by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows an easy way to attach fringe onto a quilt. Tied thread fringe is a great way to add simple decoration and definition to a quilt. Learn how to tie fringe onto a quilt by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to lay out and sew a log cabin quilt square. The log cabin square is a classic quilting pattern, easy enough for beginning quilters but has enough built-in variation that makes it popular with advanced quilters as well. Learn how to set up and sew a log cabin quilt square by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to cut fabric into strips for binding a quilt. Proper technique will prevent ugly bulky seams. Learn how to join binding strips together for a clean professionally edged finish on a quilt by watching this instructional video.
Before binding a quilt together, the edges of the quilt need to be squared so the quilt will lay flat and look crisp and professional. This video quilting tutorial shows how to square the edges of a quilt before finishing off the quilt.
Raw edge applique is difficult to attach to a quilt; either the thread is ripping or the needle is making large holes. This instructional video offers tips for how to sew on a raw edge applique with as professional a finish as possible. Learn how to sew raw edge applique onto a quilt by watching this video crafting tutorial.
This video quilting tutorial explains how to choose the feet on the sewing machine to suit the purpose of the project at hand. Different quilts are going to require different sorts of seams, but the right rotation of feet will be able to multi-task effectively. Learn how to choose the right sewing machine feet for quilting projects by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to choose and use an appropriate ruler for quilting. Certain kinds of quilting rulers are multipurpose and will be able to perform any beginning quilting function. Learn how to pick out and care for a quilting ruler by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to use a rotary cutting mat and how to choose an appropriate mat for your quilting needs. A rotary cutting mat is really important to make cutting easier and to protect your furniture from getting damaged by cutting. Learn how to choose a rotary cutting mat and how to use one by watching this instructional video.
This video quilting tutorial shows how to use a rotary cutter in quilting, as well as what to look for in a rotary cutter. A rotary cutter is the only sort of blade a new quilter needs, but because it's such an essential tool, it's important to get the right equipment. Learn how to choose the right rotary cutter for quilting by watching this instructional video.
For boutis, stuffing is inserted between stitched layers through small openings made by separating the threads of the backing fabric. Once the stuffing is complete the threads are pushed back into position to close the holes. Marie Yolande demonstrates the "white on white" process with contrasting colored threads for better clarity. Click the RealPlayer or Quicktime link to start the video.
The members of Material Evolution combine their talents to make a gorgeous circle-designed quilt. Lisa Call starts off by creating beautiful hand-dyed fabrics.